Posted January 24, 2025

January 8, 2025 -- Kingston Hill Gardeners were all smiles
when they kicked off the new year with a potluck luncheon
and exchanged gifts in a Yankee swap.
Click the picture to see more photos in the KHG Photo Album.

Posted December 21, 2024

Members Salute KHG History
With a Holiday Tea

December 18, 2024 -- The table was set, the candles were lit and the tiered servers were filled with sweet and savory delights when the Kingston Hill Gardeners gathered for a Holiday Tea and shared tales and highlights
from the early days from senior members.

Click the centerpiece to see more KHG Activities in 2024.

Kingston Hill Gardeners

The Kingston Hill Gardeners was founded in 1957 by a group of dedicated women from the Kingston, Rhode Island area who were looking to stimulate the knowledge of gardening among amateurs. The group is made up of 30 Active Members and ten Associate Members.  KHG regular meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month, with a program of speakers, workshops and trips that provide enrichment for the members.

KHG participates in the Kingston Village Fair with a plant sale in May. Fundraisers are held every other year for the purpose of providing the South County Community with an inspiring gardening presentation.

Plant sale and fundraiser proceeds support youth environmental camperships and maintenance of the historic Fayerweather House grounds.  In addition, KHG has established two endowments: one at the University of Rhode Island Foundation to provide URI Plant Science scholarships, and the other at The Rhode Island Foundation to support maintenance of the Fayerweather House grounds.

Members collaborate with the Kingston Improvement Association to maintain the Fayerweather House Grounds in Kingston Center with a series of workdays from April through October.

“We all feel a debt of gratitude to the eleven Charter Members who established the club. You laid a foundation of community service, a way to extend the knowledge of gardening and friendship from which all of us have benefitted.” ~ Rosemary Wilson on the 50th Anniversary of the Kingston Hill Gardeners in October 2007.

In an effort to promote sustainable gardening, the Kingston Hill Gardeners has produced Invasive Species of South County, a pamphlet that identifies seven very aggressive (and unfortunately attractive) plants that are causing great damage to native habitat in our area. Click the image to the right to learn about these plants and see a list of recommended native alternatives.

Kingston, Rhode Island

Kingston Hill Gardeners is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization.
Copyright 2014-2025. Kingston Hill Gardeners
Revised January 24, 2025